Resist a return to normal, build a just transition now!

This is a 5-part series aimed at sparking radical imagination by sharing stories of grassroots power and struggles for community self-determination. This series intends to be an educational tool to those who want to build a new world, but don’t know where to start 🛠🌱

As our communities struggle to survive this pandemic — amidst a governance and economic system that has failed us — how will we reclaim our power, and create a world where our needs are met and no one is disposable?

  • Community-Controlled Health Care

  • Housing as a Human Right

  • Just Transition and Climate Justice
  • Regenerative Finance

  • Land Back & Indigenous Sovereignty

Community Controlled Health Care

COVID-19 has made it clearer than ever that the current health care infrastructure is racist, classist, ableist, and criminally inadequate. Frontline communities have a longstanding history of resisting this system by building community-controlled alternatives in its place. Alternatives where frontline, BIPOC communities receive the quality care they need. Alternatives where disabled, chronically ill, and immuno-compromised folks are not disposable, but whose lives are centered and held sacred.

How can we build community-controlled health infrastructure that is safe, free and accessible to all?

In this series learn about
  • The legacies of the Black Panther Party, the 504 Sit-Ins & the Young Lords

  • Disability justice & mutual aid responses to the pandemic and natural disasters

  • Health care cooperatives


In many of our communities, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the preexisting crises of eviction, displacement, and gentrification created by the for-profit housing system. In the past few years, we’ve seen communities across the country using direct action to remove land and housing from the speculative market and build long-term community control.

How do we resist speculative market forces and build a world where housing is truly a human right?

In this series learn about
  • The founding of the first community land trust by civil rights organizers

  • The connection between co-ops & squatters movements of the 1970s and 80s

  • Recent organizing wins for CLT’s and co-op housing


Frontline communities and workers are impacted first and worst by the interlinked crises of climate change and the extractive economy. A dig, burn, and dump economy based on extracting natural and human resources faster than we can regenerate will eventually come to an end — either through collapse or through our intentional re-organization. Transition is inevitable. Justice is not.

How can we resist false climate solutions and ensure a just transition that restores our communities and the web of life?

In this series learn about
  • The meaning & history of the term Just Transition


  • How to identify false climate solutions


  • Examples of real climate solutions that build community self-determination
More Resources

Regenerative Finance

Financial systems in our current economy are based on extracting value from land and people in order to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few — fueling economic, political and ecological crises globally. Transforming finance is crucial to transforming our economy. In recent years, divestment movements have encouraged a whole wave of communities to move public resources out of Wall Street banks, fossil fuel companies, war and prison profiteers, and other extractive industries.

Once we divest from extractive institutions: Where do we move our money? How can we use finance as a tool to restore wealth to the communities it’s been extracted from and grow our collective resources?

In this series learn about
  • The history of divest/reinvest movements
  • Public banking
  • Non-extractive and cooperative finance 
More Resources

Indigenous Sovereignty & Land Back

The U.S. was built on stolen land by stolen lives and labor. Returning land and sovereignty to Indigenous peoples is a requisite to building economies rooted in a just relationship with each other and the earth.

We acknowledge that struggles for collective determination and sovereignty over Indigenous lands are as diverse as the hundreds of Indigenous nations across Turtle Island.  Within this context, how do we resist extraction and desecration of sacred sites while permanently returning land and sovereignty to Indigenous peoples?

In this series learn about
  • Precedents to the #LandBack movement
  • Examples of communities successfully organizing for land return